Monday 30 January 2017

5 Reasons any web designer needs online invoicing software

The industry for web designers is growing stronger each year. With that, more and more designers are self-employed, and they find while the independence is great, it also means one thing: they need to take care of their own finances.

Although accounting and finance are subjects that most regular business people try to avoid and do only grudgingly, it is very important. Especially important is invoicing, which allows web designers to have greater cash flow.

If the invoices are sent out wrongly, or late, they will be delayed in receiving payment. In fact, that delay can last anywhere from a few days to a few months.

In order to help web designers with their invoicing needs, we’ll show why every web designer needs online invoicing software.

Reason #1: It helps get you organized

One of the most important things for taking care of your finances (and your business) in general is to be organized.

Many accounting offices have closets full of thick folders. These have all the past invoices and other documents, as well as files on their customers. You could, possibly, do the same. However, for the busy freelancer, that’s just not practical. However, not having good accounting can lead to lots of serious problems.

That’s why web designers need online invoicing software. Instead of looking for customer information and old reports all throughout your email and checking your bank accounts to see past payments, you can have all that information saved on the software.

Reason #2: It’s faster

If you are creating your own invoices from scratch, it can take very long. If you are using an invoice template, it’s faster, but still time-consuming.

Each time you have to find your client’s information, figure out the invoice number and date, and do all these manual actions. Then you’ll need to get the client email address, attach the invoice and write a professional email.

However, you can do the same thing, in an automated way, in just 60 seconds. From start to finish, in less than 1 minute, you can create and send your invoice to your client.

That’s because all the information is stored online, so you won’t need to remember anything else except the invoice amounts.

Reason #3: You’ll have more options

When you send out your invoices currently, you are probably using the same invoice. Blue or black, square, simple. Although it’s great to be simple and professional, it is often not professional for something to look too outdated.

With online invoicing software, you have a wide variety of invoicing templates to choose from.  You don’t have to be stuck with just one, but you can change them as you wish, at any time.

Even better, online invoicing software like InvoiceBerry allows you to upload your own logo. This is a fantastic, although overlooked, option that will boost your professionalism.

Reason #4: You can do it anywhere

When you are manually creating your invoices, the invoice templates and customer information are probably stored on your computer.

This means that the only time and place you can create and send out your invoices is when you are near your computer. If everything is going well, then this is fine.

However, if you realize you’ve made a mistake, or you are on vacation but forgot to send out your invoices, you won’t be able to do anything until you get back to your computer.

With online invoicing software, that doesn’t have to be the case. Because everything is stored online, you can do your invoices from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and you can still create your invoices. On your friend’s or family’s computer, on your devices, while your on vacation or on the train.

Reason #5: It’s actually free

One of the reasons that many are hesitant to try online invoicing software is that they don’t want to pay for another subscription, especially one they don’t know they’ll like or need.

However, that doesn’t have to be the case. For example, InvoiceBerry has a Forever Free account which, as the name suggest, is free forever.

There’s no credit card requirement or any other commitment at all. If you have 3 or fewer clients, then you can use the free, full version of the software forever.

These functions include creating and customizing your invoice, adding payment terms, sending payment reminders, setting up recurring invoices, tracking expenses, and much more. All for free.

With all these reasons, it’s quite simple to see why you need online invoicing software. It’s fast, easy, simple, feature-filled and even free. However, most importantly, you’ll be saving your time.

As with all self-employed people, web designers need to save their time so they can focus more on growing their business. Online invoicing software lets you do that. When you use it, you’ll see just how easy it can be to create and send invoices.

Originally Published Here: 5 Reasons any web designer needs online invoicing software
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